Monthly training packages are for group lessons, although there is no extra charge if you end up in a private or semi-private by default. The monthly packages are the most economical way to ride more than once a week. When you purchase a monthly package, you pay for a certain number of lessons per week. Built into the price is the assumption that vacations, illness, bad weather, etc, will result in some missed lessons. In fact, we suggest that you think of the monthly package the way you would think of a gym membership: you pay the same amount every month, even though some of the time you don't utilized the gym as much as you would like to. As the per-lesson price is very low, we don’t guarantee make-ups, although we’ll do our best to reschedule missed lessons.
Based on the per-lesson group price, here is a break-down of how many lessons someone can miss and still pay less by being on a monthly package:
if you ride, you can miss
2x/week.....2 lessons per month
3x/week.....5 lessons per month
4x/week.....8 lessons per month
5x/week.....11 lessons per month
6x/week.....14 lessons per month
and still pay less than you would have paid if you had been paying per lesson.
Also, we treat months as having 4 weeks in them. If you have a 2x/week package, you are purchasing 8 lessons/month; if you have a 3x/week package, you are purchasing 12 lessons per month. If the days of the month allow you to ride a few extra times, that's a bonus for you and will count as in-advance makeups: no extra charge (unless you take beginner lessons or are otherwise in designated privates), but they will reduce your total number of makeup rides if you miss some rides.
We actively want you to make up as many lessons as you can--the better you ride, the happier our horses are. We have to be practical, though, so we have a policy of not allowing students to use makeup lessons as a way to lower their monthly fee. The general rule of thumb is that makeups last indefinitely until a student reduces their monthly training package. At that point, the makeup tally goes to zero until the student resumes their current package or increases the package to a higher number of lessons per month.
1. Pam has a 3 days/week package and has missed 7 lessons over the past few months. She is now going on vacation, so she takes herself out of training. Her 7 makeups are on hold until she resumes the 3x/week package.
2. Pam has a 3 days/week package and has missed 7 lessons over the past few months. She wants to ride 4 times each week until she uses up her makeups. This is fine.
3. Pam has a 3 days/week package and has missed 7 lessons over the past few months. She wants to go to 2 days/week and ride 3 times each week until she uses up her makeups. We usually don't allow this.
4. Pam has a 3 days/week package and has missed 7 lessons over the past few months. She wants to stay on her schedule but only pay for 1/3 of her normal fee to use up her makeups. We usually don't allow this.
We do our best to make dressage training with us affordable, as well as educational and enjoyable, so we thank you in advance for understanding our policy.